I specialise in directing and I have a particular interest in working with new writing, research-based theatre, immersive events, and socially engaged theatre. 

I have a master's degree in Theatre: Writing Directing and Performing from the University of York, and near completion of my PhD in Scriptwriting. My research focuses on synthesising interdisciplinary literature to create new dramaturgical devices. As part of the PhD, I have written three original plays that demonstrate my research through creative practice. 

I am also the director of Quirky Northern Theatre, where I write, direct and perform in adult comedy productions. 


The Art of Dissociation

I was able to secure a generous Arts Council England bid to direct, The Art of Dissociation, a new play that I have written as part of my PhD. This project is also supported by Hull Truck Theatre and Hull City Grants to Arts, to whom I am immensely grateful. 

The Art of Dissociation is a contemporary psychological drama exploring trauma and dissociation through stylised performance, physical theatre, and visual art.

Due to his painful memories of childhood abuse, artist, Jordan, develops dissociative identity disorder. As life becomes increasingly unbearable for him, he meets an aspiring actress, Laura, and falls in love. But Jordan’s past comes back to haunt him, putting pressure on their relationship; and in an act of desperation, his dissociative defences take over, causing havoc on both of their lives. Jordan hopes that through art therapy, he might heal his traumatic wounds, and find redemption.

The performance will take place at Hull Truck Theatre in the Godber Studio on Friday 21 October, 2022, @8pm. Tickets can be purchased from the Hull Truck website